what sea creature often attaches itself to a whale and lives there?

Written by Tessa Danelesko

You may exist familiar with the phrase "no man is an island", but chances are you probably oasis't thought of that quote in relation to parasites. We and then oftentimes forget (or cull to ignore!) that we harbor a endless variety of species, as does almost every creature on the planet. Fifty-fifty whales, animals nosotros normally envision equally having sleek, smooth skin, can carry hundreds of kilograms of these hitchhikers on their outer surfaces.

For whales like humpbacks and greys, the two almost common hitchhikers found on their bodies are barnacles and whale lice. In fact, if you spot a whale, look closely at its skin and you may find yourself not just looking at one large cetacean, but an entire community of living things.

Hitchhikers take a bad rap

Frequently these hitchhikers are referred to as parasites, but that term may non always be best when describing the circuitous relationship between two species. A parasite is an animate being that benefits from an interaction with another species, chosen its host, at the expense of the host. Parasites similar tapeworms infect the digestive tracts of their hosts, absorbing valuable nutrients from the host's meal. Simply like people, whales can have tapeworms. The largest tapeworm in the world was found in a whale, and measured over xxx metres long!

Another type of human relationship between two species is called commensalism, where one species benefits from an interaction, while the other remains unaffected. Barnacles on some types of whales have a commensal human relationship. The barnacles benefit from having a place to settle and filter nutrient from the passing water, while the whales do non seem to suffer any negative consequences from their presence. Unbelievably, ane salubrious humpback whale was found to take 450 kg of barnacles growing on it! Although that seems similar quite a heavy load, that amount of weight for a whale would exist the equivalent of a human wearing shorts and a t-shirt.

In some situations, this barnacle coverage can actually act similar a suit of armour.  Grey whales are known to coil over when existence attacked by Bigg'southward (transient) killer whales.  By rolling, they nowadays the attacking whales with a back full of hard, sharp barnacles – a much tougher surface to penetrate.

Take you seen greyness or white patches of barnacles on whale skin? It is non known exactly how young barnacles latch on to a whale in the middle of the ocean, but researchers recollect that whale skin may release a chemical cue that gratuitous-swimming larval barnacles are able to detect, somehow initiating the settling process. Exactly how that cue works though is something that researchers are still trying to figure out.

Living with lice

Unlike barnacles, whale lice tin only exist transferred betwixt animals through bodily contact. They attach themselves to a whale's peel using hooked legs called dactyli. These legs await similar to those of human louse, which is exactly where they got their name from. In the 1800s, whalers noticed the pocket-sized creatures and idea they looked and moved like human lice. They causeless they must be the same type of animate being, only much larger, as they can abound upward to 19mm in size. It was afterwards discovered however, that whale lice aren't actually lice at all; they are a unique type of crustacean called cyamids.

Many mysteries still surround whale lice, but we do know they are highly specialized. Many types of whale lice tin simply be plant on i species of whale. Greyness and humpback whales each have their ain variety! While hitching a ride, these crustaceans munch on algae and whale skin. Although that might sound like an undesirable situation for a whale, some researchers believe there is no proof that whale lice are damaging to whales, and thus have more of a commensal relationship with their hosts, like barnacles. However, the amount of hitchhikers on a whale  can offer clues every bit to the beast's overall health.

You may retrieve the juvenile humpback whale that fatally stranded on White Rock Beach last summer, its decease attributed to the effects of fishing gear constitute entangled around its body. Upon exam, researchers found an abundance of whale lice on the young whale's trunk. Although it is certain that the whale would have had lice on it before becoming entangled, the larger than expected population indicates the whale had been suffering the negative effects of the angling equipment for some time.

Stories similar this remind united states of america that nosotros are part of the complex community of oceanic animals, and information technology is not but parasites that tin can negatively affect them, our deportment can as well. If you see whatsoever dead, injured, entangled or distressed marine mammal, report information technology to Fisheries and Oceans Canada at one 800 465 4332.


Gray whales can employ their barnacles for defense force confronting predators.


Whale lice are highly specialized, and many types associate with only one or two species of whale.


These crustaceans attach to whale peel at natural openings, such every bit wounds or scars.


Source: https://wildwhales.org/2013/02/28/whats-on-that-whale/

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